So your garage looks a bit outdated,
the floor looks like someone has thrown motor oil all over
to create some sort of avant-garde impressionist painting.
You have allowed your dog
to use the area as their own private restroom,
and every time you go into the garage you nearly gag
because the smell has now permeated everything.
There are cracks in the concrete, that seem to follow some sort of strange river map sequence, that have been there for so long,
you literally don't even notice them any longer.
Does this sound like your garage floor?
If this sounds like your garage floor, we can get this resolved once and for all for you.
Far too many people put this off with devastating consequences.
You need to pay attention to those cracks in the floor,
this could be an indicator of the health of the foundation of your home.
Why should you get your concrete coated?
There are a myriad of reasons why, but let me concentrate on a few of them.
Number #1
Have you ever seen someone who has just had their garage floor coated by a flooring professional? The results speak for themselves.
That person usually is extremely proud of their garage,
and will show anyone who wants to see it.
With the color combination choices that are available nowadays,
there is a choice to fit anyone's color palette, as well as design choices.
Number #2
By taking care of the concrete on the surface,
you are adding to the strength of the concrete where the majority of wear takes place.
When done properly, the first several layers of coating are designed to soak into the concrete to help re-bond the concrete for continued years of HASSLE FREE service.
Also, when the correct product is used, the concrete coating itself,
can withstand a host of chemicals that may be spilled, it can withstand pet urine,
it can withstand tools being dropped, you name it, a job that has been installed correctly,
can actually save you quite a bit of money over the course of time that you own your house.
Number #3
This one should rank up around #1 but let me say just one thing here.
You vacuum the floors on the inside of your house, right?
If you enter your house through the garage, BTW over 70% of all people do.
This will change your life.
When a floor is coated with the correct product, it's so much easier to keep clean.
If you are the person who may put this off for bit,
it will actually hide extremely well, the cleaning project you may putting off.
Also, you know those tire marks that are made on the concrete
when you pull into your garage?
When the correct product is installed, those unsightly marks are no longer an issue.
Number #4
Let me ask one simple question, if you were in the market to purchase a home,
and you saw a house that had a great coating placed on the garage floor,
and it looked amazing, what would your opinion be of that home?
If your answer was...
"this place has been well taken care of,"
this is what the majority of people surveyed said.
It shows the house has been well maintained.
Remember that perception is reality.
"If it looks this great in the garage,
the rest of the house truly must be amazing!"
When something looks well cared for, it normally is well cared for.
There are so many more items to list why taking care of your garage flooring is such a great thing to do, that if I did, it would literally take about 9 pages of reading to show it all to you.
Who has time for that?
Here is the problem though, with the majority of concrete coating that is being sold today, it seems like you need
to borrow against the equity in your home, just to pay for it.
I am not going to name names here, however if you have had one of these concrete coating companies come out, you know exactly what I am talking about. Having to sit through what seems to be and endless presentation, only to be issued with an overly inflated high price, is not only disingenuous, but insulting to people's intelligence.
I will tell you that a great job should cost you between
$6.00 to $9.00 per square foot, depending on what needs to be done.
There are products that can be purchased for less money,
like a D.I.Y kit, however the results,
will not be what you are looking for!
With what I have seen...
or floors that have been installed with substandard products,
almost always
end up peeling up,
get UV damage,
(that's when your tires are so hot from driving,
it seems to melt the product when you pull your car into the garage,
and literally pulls the product right off the concrete)
or many other undesirable results from using a lesser grade product.
Then if you want your garage to look good again,
you must re-do the entire process all over.
This is royal pain in the backside, and incredibly frustrating.
This is
entirely avoidable,

if done right the first time.
Having to pull all your "stuff"
out of your garage again,
paying again, to have it re-done,
is entirely exasperating and annoying.
Remember that if you don't know what you are doing,
or the person you hired doesn't know what they are doing,
you will end up paying over and over again,
to get the results you want.
You can't hire "CHUCK IN A TRUCK" handyman
to get the job done, and expect it to be done right.
Get it done right the first time.
We have within our Network, concrete coating companies that have an amazing reputation,
who do quality work, and above all else, always do it at a fair price.
If you know that you want a concrete coating protection system
for your garage, patio, pool areas or your commercial building,
Our contractors have multiple solutions,
that will not only suit your needs, but above all else your pocketbook.
You need to get a pro to do this, someone who does this work daily,
who knows what needs to be done, and above all else, does not take shortcuts
We offer affordable solutions, not the kind that you will need to sacrifice your yearly vacation to pay for.
We will provide for you a free, no obligation written quote, from a professional who understands the proper way to assess your situation, and how to solve it.
We are looking forward to serving you in the highest manner.
Bear Home Repair Network